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Eslamboly & Barlavi
Content: 9Presentation: 10Experience: 8Total: 27
Content: APresentation: AExperience: BTotal: A

After you notice the elegant design of this site, you'll be impressed by the numerous Q&A files on a variety of consumer law issues. The answers are all tailored to California law, but are sure to inform any neophyte of the issues involved. One thing is for sure - anyone who comes to Eslamboly & Barlavi's site to find a law firm will be duly impressed by the depth of knowledge and the professional presentation of the site. We are a little concerned about the "Free answers to legal questions" - an interactive bulletin board where users can post legal questions. In spite of the many disclaimers about the need for a written agreement to establish legal representation, this gets awfully close to providing legal advice. And one must wonder whether the benefits to the law firm (exposure, increased contact with prospective clients) outweigh the risk that someone will act on an answer to a question without obtaining proper counsel. Overall, though, this site shines. Consistent presentation and solid content leave the visitor with a very favorable impression of this Los Angeles firm. There's more to this site (including an excellent subscribe/unsubscribe interface to hundreds of legal discussion lists), but suffice it to say that you'll spend a lot of time visiting the site.

Reviews: 1998


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