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Written by RedStreet founders Erik J. Heels and Richard P. Klau, the book RedStreet's Best Legal Websites 2000 includes the research methodology, analysis, and statistics behind the reviews; detailed scores in 50 categories for the nation's largest 300 law firms; and details about the best website designers.


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Proskauer Rose, LLP
Content: 5Presentation: 7Experience: 6Total: 18
Content: CPresentation: BExperience: CTotal: C

Florida's Bar regulations regarding law firm Web sites are annoying, but Proskauer Rose, LLP, compounds the issue by requiring visitors to read a disclaimer (saying that the "hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience") and then click on "I Agree" prior to seeing the content. Of course, you can't fault the firm for being cautious. Once inside, the design of the site is understated (and that's an understatement). Compared to some of the cluttered sites we've reviewed, we actually like this approach - it places the emphasis on the information and makes it easily accessible. Browsing through the content, the simplicity of organization is a big plus. You always know where you are. Navigation is difficult, however, as there is no site-wide navbar to assist in jumping to subsections of the site (users are given the option of selecting "Home," "Search," or "Internet Resources"). The content needs to be updated more often. The most recent newsletters on the site were dated March, 1997, and the only thing under "White Papers" was "To Be Announced." The search engine is outstanding, as it shows you the title (which, for every document on the site, is done in the form of "Proskauer Rose | Practice Profiles | Intellectual Property" which makes bookmarking and searching much simpler), the file size, and the "score" (or the relevance of the search terms to the document).

Reviews: 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Museum:1999 | 1998 | 1997


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