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Simpson Thacher & Bartlett was first in announced domestic M&A transactions in the 1st half of this year according to a report released by Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. The report lists STB as advising on 68 deals with a total value of $294 billion. Click to view more information

STB Involved in Two International Offerings

STB Represents Underwriters in ITXC IPO

STB Involved in Toyota's U.S. IPO

STB Represents Chase Manhattan in Acquisition of Hambrecht & Quist

STB Represents Preview Travel in Merger With Travelocity

STB Represents General Instrument Corp. in Merger With Motorola

STB's Hong Kong Office Closes Deal Despite Record Typhoon

John Kenney Appointed to Committee on the Representation of the Poor


STB Announces Opening of Palo Alto Office

Simpson Thacher is pleased to announce that it opened an office in Palo Alto, California on September 7, 1999.

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