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California collection and litigation

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"Pennzoil has directly forwarded many matters
to your law firm over the last ten years.
Our cases have been handled with great skill
and efficiency, and we are very pleased
with the results obtained."

pennzoil.gif (2140 bytes)
Pennzoil Company
Hal E. Wilson
Sr. Credit Representative

"The preceding testimonial and endorsement doesnot constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legalmatter." 

The objective of our law firm is to provide efficient, prompt and effectivecollection and legal services to our clients. We pride ourselves on accuracy andexperience, supported by technology.


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Send mail to george@collectionlawyers.com with questions or comments.
Copyright © 1997 All rights reserved
Law Office of George L. Cohn
2850 Artesia Boulevard, Suite 201
Redondo Beach, California 90278-3414
310 370-3730  Fax 310-370-3703