Labor Law OnLine™

What is Labor Law OnLine™?

Labor Law OnLine™ is a computer-based, innovative method of providing legal servicesdeveloped by Pillsbury Madison & Sutro LLP. Labor LawOnLine™ includes a CD-ROM disk and modem connection for rapidupdates and interactive inquiries. The CD-ROM disk contains articlesconvering the state and federal labor and employment laws governing every employer. It alsocontains the full text of every statute, regulation and case that is cited. In addition, there arenumerous "practical applications" ­ sample forms to assist employers in writing affirmativeaction plans, employment contracts, personnel policies, injury and illness prevention plans andmany other key documents. For more detail as to the topics covered, please review the LaborLaw OnLine™ table of contents.

How does Labor Law OnLine™ compare to an employment law book ortreatise?

Labor Law OnLine™ is considerably more than a book or treatise, for two reasons:

How up-to-date is Labor Law OnLine™?

Labor Law OnLine™ updates are prepared every week. When you launch Labor LawOnLine™ on your personal computer, your modem automatically dials in for the Labor LawOnLine™ updates and transfers the updates to your computer behind the scenes as you areusing the system. When you want to see the updates, you click on an icon and they appear. Every few months, we provide you with a completely new CD-ROM disk,incorporating all the recent updates and usually adding new material.

How much does Labor Law OnLine™ cost?

That depends on your need for legal services. Labor Law OnLine™ is not sold as astand-alone product, but is instead designed as a more efficient and practical way for PillsburyMadison & Sutro LLP to provide legal services to its clients. Anemployer with a relatively modest need for legal services can subscribe for as little as $3,500 thefirst year, which includes ten hours of legal services. Clients with a greater need forlegal services can obtain Labor Law OnLine™ as part of an overall agreement for legalservices with Pillsbury Madison & Sutro LLP.

How can I get more information?

Table of Contents

The table of contents willgive you some idea of the scope of Labor Law OnLine™. Alternatively, if you have or canobtain theAcrobat Reader you may wish to download the complete Labor LawOnline™ table of contents, a 16-page, 361K pdf file.
Demonstration disk

If your computer runs Windows™ and hasa CD-ROM drive, we can send you a demonstrationCD-ROM disk, which will run Labor Law OnLine™ for 30 days. Ifyou areinterested in our demonstration disk, please contactus.
Demonstration at your office

You may also contact us to arrange a demonstrationof Labor Law OnLine™.

Labor Law OnLine™ Contents | Request a Labor Law OnLine™ Demonstration

© 1996